Our Story
The inspiration began in 2002, when the founder Susan, adopted her then teenage daughter. Through the years, Susan's daughter has been addicted to many types of drugs. In 2009, she gave birth to Susan's drug-addicted granddaughter. It took many months to wean her granddaughter off the various drugs in her system. It was a very painful experience for the granddaughter and the entire family.
In 2013 Susan adopted her granddaughter and she is doing very well. However, because of her predisposition to drugs, she may also battle addiction in the future. Susan's goal is to try to prevent it if possible, through education about the disease of addiction and sharing the tools to manage the disease, if necessary.
In Susan's experience, she realized there weren't many residential treatment facilities that offer peaceful, tranquil environment such as Pathways to a Better Life. Addiction is a family disease and healing the entire family is key to maintaining long-term recovery. Today addiction is more prominent than ever, and yet most residential treatment facilities are at full capacity with a long waiting list.
Susan's hopes are to give an opportunity and to guide those affected by the horrors of addiction, a Pathway to a Better Life.
PATHWAYS to a Better Life, LLC
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center
530 State Rd 67
PO Box 347
Kiel, WI United States
Copyright © Pathways to a Better Life LLC.
All rights reserved.